Black lives matter
Ikke alle er begeistret for BLM.
Someone painted over the Black Lives Matter graffiti in front of Trump Tower AGAIN today. The activists are calling it #OperationPaintDrop & say they're going keep doing it every day because BLM is a Marxist movement. This is the third…
Hva skal man si? Galskap!
Black Lives Matter Protests Grace Baptist Church Black Lives Matter Protests Grace Baptist Church in New York Gepostet von The Hodgetwins am Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2020
Anti-American, Marxist Black Lives Matter says it is anti-democracy
Herland Report: Hanne Nabintu Herland writes: I support black lives and the fight against racism, but not the Marxist, anti-democracy anarchist Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Since they recently explained that they are trained Marxists whose goal it is to…
Black Lives Matter – hykleri.
Our video on how the Black Lives Matter movement/organization is hypocritical, country destroying, and fraudulent! And… Gepostet von Kali Ites am Dienstag, 30. Juni 2020
Slutt å se på nyhetene! VERY well said. Listen to his words. Follow The Lutchman Report to support this young patriot! Gepostet von Terrence K Williams am Sonntag, 28. Juni 2020
Er «Black Lives matter» basert på en løgn?
Se denne videoen og bedøm selv. BLM He was called a self hater for saying this. Follow The Lutchman Report If You support him! Gepostet von Terrence K Williams am Samstag, 6. Juni 2020
White lives matter – BLM EXPOSED
White Lives Matter, Black Lives Matters Exposed White Lives Matter & Black Lives Matter Exposed Gepostet von The Hodgetwins am Donnerstag, 11. Juni 2020
Fjerner episode av «Fawlty Towers» – Helt absurd!!! kunne i dag fortelle at BBC nå har besluttet å fjerne en episode av «Fawlty Towers» (Hotell i særklasse) i kjølevannet av demonstrasjoner etter George Floyds død. Det er avisen The Guarian som melder dette. På meg blir alt…
«Black Lives Matter» hjelper ikke svarte.
'Black Lives Matter' Is Not Helping Blacks The evidence is clear: Police brutality is simply not the biggest issue facing blacks in America, and yet this is all that 'Black Lives Matter' activists seem to care about.Black lives do matter…
This is the last thing Nancy Pelosi and her Democrats wanted to happen. Her stunt is totally backfiring. Gepostet von Dan Bongino am Dienstag, 9. Juni 2020
Artikkel: PM: anti-racism protests ‘subverted by thuggery’
PM: anti-racism protests ‘subverted by thuggery’ Sendt via @updayUK
Se «Chaz Cook, Former Black Lives Matter Organizer Exposes Democrats, Antifa, and BLM Movement» på YouTube
Candace Owens: I DO NOT support George Floyd and I refuse to see him as a martyr. But I hope his family receives justice.
Confession: I DO NOT support George Floyd and I refuse to see him as a martyr. But I hope his family receives justice. Gepostet von Candace Owens am Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2020
Black lives matter
WATCH: Who is Hurt the Most by Riots and Looting? The mainstream media does NOT want you to see this… Gepostet von Matt Walsh am Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2020