Tony Mills / TNT / The Autistic Foundation for Norwegain Children

As we are in the planning stages of the coming year with concerts, events and the recording of a new album, it’s a good time to release the following information.
During late spring / early summer (I shall of course announce the exact dates and NRK will be involved anyway, so it will be nationally broadcasted) I will have the pleasure of hosting a main charity event for The Autistic Foundation for Norwegian Children in conjunction with the Special Forces (FSK). This came about through my good friends Martin Hallager and Stine Scholseth. Martin, amongst his many other attributes, is a skydiving teacher and he has been winding me up for ages trying to get me to jump out of a plane at some dubious height. Stine was sat with us having a beer before the Sentrum show and we got to talking about the Autistic children that she cares for. Something connected in me for some reason and I put the two subjects together and thought that maybe it really would be worth doing if it would actually benefit someone else. So after several weeks, and the great assistance from my manager Bjorn Breivik, the plans are taking shape and I will of course post more information regarding this event as we get get closer to the date. My hopes are that it will expand the public understanding of the childrens condition and raise funds for equipment and facilities that are needed. Simple enough, really, and a worthy cause, I think.

Here are some further details for interested parties in Norway.
Autismeforeningen i Norge
Adress: 6726, Etterstad 0609 Oslo
Telephon: 23 05 45 70
Fax: 23 05 45 61/51
Visiting adress:: Grenseveien 99, 3 etg., 0663 Oslo


Musiker, gitarist og hobbyfotograf. Ansvarig for - (mitt hobby prosjekt)