Black lives matter, USA, Utenriks Candace Owens: I DO NOT support George Floyd and I refuse to see him as a martyr. But I hope his family receives justice. 04/06/2020 Cadence Owens Confession: I DO NOT support George Floyd and I refuse to see him as a martyr. But I hope his family receives justice.Gepostet von Candace Owens am Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2020 Siri Musiker, gitarist og hobbyfotograf. Ansvarig for - (mitt hobby prosjekt) Forrige Plast til besvær! Nyere Funderinger Du vil kanskje også like Full fest på trikken 19/06/2021 Hvordan stemme gitaren med capo. How to Properly Tune a Guitar with a Capo 12/08/2021 Johannes 3,16 12/07/2020